
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 19- Friday, May 7

Hey All,
Ok, so lets get down to business...... I didn't work out on Friday. Ok, maybe I should back track a little bit. Today I went to work and didn't carry my lunch. I brought fruits and bar and soup, but didn't prepare a sandwich to go with it. So I originally decided to get a turkey sandwich or grille chicken sandwich. Long story short, that didn't happen, I ended up going to Baja Fresh. Now this was my 1st time at this place and they claimed that everything was grilled and fresh. So I decided to get a burrito- I though it would be a safe bet.

My burrito consisted of - grilled steak, salsa, avocado, rice, black beans and tons of peppers ( I like very spicy food), sounds healthy to me- no sour cream or cheese.

So here I am thinking, this should be OK....... NOT!!!! I ate 1/2 of my burrito and within 10 minutes I felt EXHAUSTED. I mean- I was so damn tired, I literally was nodding off to sleep at work. I had to go to the restroom and wash my face to revive myself. So I kept asking myself- "Why am I so damn tired?" Then it clicked- my meal wasn't healthy for me.

Now I am so happy that this happened to me. Not for the fact that I ate something bad, but, because I learned a valuable lesson. Prior to starting P90x and eating healthy- I used to get tired at work ALL THE TIME after having lunch. That 3PM slump used to hit me really hard. I didn't realize the difference in my energy level at work until this "little mishap." Now that I'm eating a lot better, watching what I put into my mouth- there's no longer a 3PM slump. I'm energetic throughout the entire day. I run up and down 3 flights of stairs all day long and I don't feel tired at all.

So when I returned home in the evening the tiredness continued. Normally I go to bed around 10/11PM, Friday night I went to sleep at 8PM!!!! Huh!!!! And it's a Friday. I think my body went into shock, b/c I could barely keep my eyes open, so there was no energy to workout. LOL.

Lesson learned- no more burritos for me. I'm staying away from that danger zone.

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