
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 4 Food Log

  1. 2 scrambled eggs w/ turkey bacon, 1 slice of cheddar cheese & WW wrap

  2. Parfait & grapes

  3. Stew chicken w/ brown rice {no veggies :-(}

  4. Fat free chocolate pudding

  5. Chocolate protien shake w/ banana & natural peanut butter.

How am I doing???? I can use some advise on recipes. Feel free to send some recipes my way. If I' find any I'll be sure to post.

Until next time..... Push Play

Small Steps in the right direction.

Since Monday, I've been doing all the extra walking I can. I park at the back of the parking lot at work and the stores. I walk up as many stairs as I can. And since the toilet and I are really good friends b/c of the amount of water I drink, I even do squats when I go to the public bathrooms- LMFAO!!!!! ( I bet you never thought of that- hehehehe). At my job, we have a 2 community printers in my department instead of printing my info at the printer closest to my cubicle (3ft away), I print my documents at the further printer (on the other side of the large department). When conducting interviews, I take the candidates on a tour of the entire building (only 3 floors- but it has 3 wings) So I'm trying to keep as active as possible, considering the fact that I sit all day long.

So, my dear friends, if you are in a similar position as myself, or even if you're not- you should try some of these methods- remember small efforts can lead to BIG change.

Oh yeah!! HAPPY EARTH DAY!!!

Day 4- YOGA X (UGH!!!!)

Today was my yoga x day. OMGoodness!!! What the hell was I thinking- waking up 5 AM just to be put back to sleep by some Yoga video. LOL. I put my best foot forward- but the music was way to soft and even Tony was talking all soft and gentle- which made him sound weird to me. In all honesty, I did a total of 15 minutes of this video and I couldn't squeeze another minute out if I had to. At first I was thinking, "DAMN!!! this sh!t is depressing- but after viewing it, I realized that its a strength AND flexibility training. You have to be strong in order to hold your self in certain positions, but you also have to flexible & have balance.

^^^^^^^^^^^If yoga x can make me do this^^^^^^^^^^

I'm definitely not giving up on Yoga. I'm sure my fiance would love it- as will I. LOL.

So I've made a conscious decision to do Yoga X in the evenings. This way, I'd have enough energy to make it through the work out. I'm going to focus on the 1st 45 minutes of Yoga X for during the weekdays and then I'll try the 2nd half of the video on Sunday's with my Stretch X workout.

Wow!!! I never knew yoga could be so strenuous. I guess I'm a fast paced/high impact type of girl- but I can step out of my box and give Yoga X a real good try.

Push Play- Everyday.