
Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 26- Woo Hoo!!!

Hey Guys,

I'm going to make this short and sweet.

Today I had Plyo cardio circuit (insanity) and Core Syn (p90x). I did both and they were great. My diet today was pretty good also.

1. Organic cereal
2. cereal bar w/ fruits
3. salmon w/ mixed veggies
4. Stewed chicken w/ Roti

And lots of water. I just realized that I haven't had a cup of soda/juice in the last 26 days. Pretty darn good. Water does a body good.

Tomorrow... Yoga X.
Nighty Night


  1. that is so awesome about going a month with out soda/juice!!! Awesome that you're sticking to two intense programs, I'm dying to see your 90 day results! Keep it up, girl!

  2. Thank you! I've never been a really big soda/juice person. A couple years back, I used to drink kool-aid and other fruit juices all the time, but I guess I kinda grew out of it. But, I have to start drinking tea in the mornings. But water is just fine for me- even when I go out to restaurants- I usually only get a tall glass of water w/ lemon. It always hits the spot. By the way- I have had some juice in the last month-only O.J in the mornings. Thanks for the encouragement - I'm hoping my 90 day results are great also.
