
Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 26- Cardio Recovery

I don't know what it is about Friday- but I always seem to have an extra pep in my step on this day. I guess the thought of a relaxing weekend seems too good to be true. That's because it is. I have so much thing to do this weekend it's CRAZY.

Anyway, I pushed play bright and early this morning and I feel great.  it was Cardio Recovery.... so please tell me why my legs are burning so much.  SMH.  Anywho. I have Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs in the morning. I'm going to try and wake up at 5 AM to get the show on the road. That way I can start and finish my tasks early in the day.

Peace people!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good job girl! The recovery workouts are definitely NO JOKE! Shaun T just kills you slowly. LOL.

    You asked what's next for me? Why another round of INSANITY of course! LOL. I'm going to take about 10 days for recovery... using Max Recovery, Core C&B and probably the Max Sports dvds during that time. I'm just going to do a Monday start this time around so I have a Sunday off and can sleep in!!! (That's my reward for getting through round 1!!!) :)

    Then come September I may do P90X or TurboFire...not sure yet! (Like how I think ahead? LOL)
