
Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 36- MAX IC (960)

Hey Folks, 

I just completed MAX INTERVAL CIRCUIT.  I am super stoked that I burned 960 calories in one workout. I can't even explain how happy I am.  

Ok, let me get into some specifics The warm- up was super long.  I mean WTF is that about. Why do we do switch kicks in a warm up????? Seriously??????? Ok, after that initial shock- we then lead into the 5 minute stretch- which felt so good to my body. 

Then into the workout. We had 3 rounds that had to be done 3 times each.  In the mix of all this stuff- I had to complete- 
floor switch kicks (which I couldn't do if my life depended on it), 
floor s-s jumps, 
full body work (which included 8 runs, 4 push-up jacks &8 wide runs)
hook squats
side  in  ways in & outs ( pretty tough)
plank punches (Oh the pain)

And a bunch of other stuff that I can't remember at this current time- but I was sweating like a pig and my heart rate was jacked all the way up.  I"m looking forward to tomorrows Max workout.   Good Night folks. 

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