
Friday, April 30, 2010

Jumpin' over a hurdle

Ok guys, this morning I was feeling like CRAP!!! I was so pissed off that I didn't lose any weight that I allowed my anger get the best of me. I completely put aside the fact that I have energy at 5am when it's time to work out. I put aside the fact that I did Yoga X and kicked butt. I put aside the fact that my sister told me that my biceps are getting hard (just after a week of working out). I put aside the fact that I've increased the amount of push ups and tricep dips I can do at one time in a matter of 1 week. I put aside the fact that I felt great, with all the soreness from working my ass off. I put aside the fact that I wasn't lethargic anymore and now I'm energized. All of these things were thrown out the window b/c of the fact that I didn't see a difference on the scale. SMH.

Now I know that many of you are thinking- "why did you get upset?"
My answer: "I've been struggling w/ weight forever. It's always been about the fact that I weighed 200+ lbs. I'm so focused on getting out of the 200s. I feel like when I break past that 200 lbs mark I would be "skinny" (in my head- lol). Also, I'm tired of being the fat one. The fat sibling, cousin, friend and employee. I feel like I'm always the biggest person- regardless of the situation- I'm ready to get past this fat."

But today was a hurdle for me... I had a nice conversation with myself that went something like this.... " Brownie- girl, you need to snap out of this. Many people trip and slip along their way to success. You fell down today, now you get up and dust the hell off. Stop having a f-ing pitty party and get focused. You're body has been in this condition for a long time- you have to have patience- b/c your body may be resisting your efforts to lose weight. It's during this time that you dig down deep and keep fighting- even when your tired. You push, you push and push the hardest you can. Remember, you are in charge- you will make this happen. You can win. You WILL WIN. "

So when you're feeling down- or you need a pick me up- just say this

"I am in charge, I will win- I will succeed, I will not stray, I will push hard today, I will PUSH PLAY!!!

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