
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 18- Cardio Recovery

Good Morning People!!!

I just completed my Cardio Recovery and I'm feeling brand new. I got a good night's rest and I feel energized. Thanks to all of you who were publicly & secretly encouraging me. :-) I feel good right now after all of those squats, lunges and booty exercises. I could use some assistance in that area. LOL. Later on today I will be doing Cardio Power & Resistance (which happens to be one of my favs)- so I'm looking forward to that. Once I complete CP&R I will only have 1 more workout to catch up with and that's Plyo which will be done tomorrow.

Ok, so today is my weigh in day and as you can tell by the missing video.... I decided to skip weigh in this week. I wasn't on my A game this and I'm sure the results will show on he scales. So in order to avoid more discouragement, dissapointment and aggravation= I've decided to skip the scale this week.

I'll keep you all posted on my progress.

Have a great Saturday