
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 19- CP&R

Cardio Power & Resistance- DONE!!!!!

Yeah baby, your girl was getting it in today. I was determined, I set a goal and I made it happen. Like I stated earlier today- I did 2 workouts today. I just completed CP&R and I'm feeling AMAZING!!!!!!!!

I had to take a nap prior to doing this workout b/c like always, I was running around and doing stuff all day- so in order to give 150% I took a nap and when I woke up, I was itching to push play.

So lets get to it...

Warm Up- a killer as usual. I pushed hard today and my sweaty stinky skin proves it. LOL
Power Jumps- It never fails me- my heart rate went up, up, UP.
Belt Kicks- brought the heart rate back down, but had my quads & glutes burning
Hit the Floors- HR back up again, panting and grasping for air to fill my lungs
V-Push ups- LOL- I can only do about 7 or 8 until I feel as if I'm going to fall on the top of my head. Ha!! But I'm trying
These 4 moves done 3 times. Each time getting faster- Oh why does Shaun hate me so?????

Then into the tri-dips. Now real talk- these sucker hurt my wrists more than my damn triceps. I have to figure out an alternative. However, I do feel the burn

Ball Push ups- I likey!
Sprint Jump- I usually get my second wind around this time- but not today. Ha
Moving Push ups- If I don't have big guns by the end of this program I'm going to be highly upset. LOL. I've never done so many push ups in my life- keep in mind that 6 months ago (b4 BB) I couldn't do regular pushups- I always modified. Before I started P90x in April I could do 10 regular pushups on a good day- Now that I'm doing Insanity- I'm pretty sure I can knock out at least 30 w/o stopping- hmmm, I'll have to try it and let you all know the outcome. ;=)
Floor Sprints- I'm not a fan- but I suffer through it as much as possible.

8 jumpsquats/pushup combo- Oh why is this the last work out- It's so hard to do after killing your shoulders for the first 30 minutes- why is this the last workout dammit?? I did my absolute best. I did all the squats- but not all the push ups. I did the push ups slow to get the most of my moves.

All moves done 3x- each time increasing speed.

I think I'm forgetting some moves.. but you get the picture.

So there you have it- Brownie has 1 more video to complete then she'll be all caught up.

Whew- I'm looking forward to great slumber.

Almost forgot to mention my meals
  1. Parfait- yogurt, blueberries, strawberries & granola
  2. protien bar
  3. garden salad
  4. 1C brown rice w/ curry shrimp
  5. Chocolate whey protien w/natural peanut butter & banana & flaxseed- MY FAV

1 comment:

  1. Always loved CP&R. Awesome job though. Are you eating enough if you're doing 2 workouts a day? Just make sure you're getting the calories you need!!! I've made that mistake way too many times. :)
