
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 32 & 33- Core Cardio & Balance

I have to admit.... I really enjoy this workout.  I thought I was going to get bored w/ the routine- but I just focus on getting better & lasting longer through each move. It's not as hard as the month 1 workouts- but I'm definitely burning calories and sweating my fat off. LOL.  I'm feeling really good today.

Everyone should already know that I'm scared- so very scared of Month 2. My friends keep posting their pain and agony on facebook. SMH!!! I even toughened up and viewed one of the workouts. LOL- all I can say is- I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to do this in the mornings- but I'll try my hardest (fyi- I hate PM workouts b/c when I get home all I want to do is relax, catch up on reading and work on my business)

Coming up is Fit test Sunday!!!  I was advised by multiple  peolple to avoid doing the F.T & Max IC on the same day- so I will be wise and listen to the experts. LOL.  I'm interested to see if my numbers went up for the fit test... I really hope so b/c the last test I got mixed results.

Well guys... word on the street is that the much anticipated Turbo Fire is available NOW.  If you're interested go get your copy (you can get me one too- lol).

So what are my plans for my post Insanity life????? I don't know- I was thinking about doing Turbo Fire- but then again- I might do 1 more round of Insanity and then get T.F?  I have P90x- but that's staying on the shelf until I lose at least 50lbs.  Any suggestions?

Layta peoples

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely doing another round of Insanity... as you know... but after that I am totally confused as to what to do too. TurboFire? P90X? ChaLean Xtreme? Ugh... I'm obviously not ordering anything until probably August so I think I'll see how I feel then... if I want more cardio (TF) or want something more weight based.

    Glad you are enjoying the recovery week! Which month 2 workout did you preview? It is definitely hard doing them in the morning, but I don't have the time at night... and even if I did, I think I'd feel the same way as you. All I can say is take it day by day... make it a goal to get up every morning and push play... even if you don't make it through the entire thing!

    Can't wait to read your post on Sunday (fit test) and definitely can't wait to Monday's post!!! Keep digging girl! You truly are an inspiration!!!
